Button to scroll to the top of the page.


To use tabs, use the following shortcode to start the tab content but use curly braces "{}" instead of the square braces "[]" shown below. 

[tab First Title Tab]

First Tab

Some Content

Tabs are closed with the [/tabs] tag. 

refer to additional documentation here: http://www.nonumber.nl/extensions/tabs 


Sliders use the same shortcode syntax, just with "slider" instead of "tab". To use the slider, use the following shortcode to start the tab content but use curly braces "{}" instead of the square braces "[]" shown below. 

[slider First Title Tab]

Sliders are closed with the [/sliders] tag. 

by default the first slide will be open. To change this add the following to the first slide code.

[slider Slide Title|closed]

Notice the bolded '|closed' above, this will keep the first slide closed.

refer to additional documentation here: http://www.nonumber.nl/extensions/sliders